TY - JOUR AU1 - Sutherland, Peter AB - Extracts from K eynote a ddress WORLD ENERGY MARKET CHALLENGES World P olitical, E conomic, T e chnological a nd IT “D rivers”: Setting the Stage for t he Energy In dustry Peter S utherland Chairman, BP plc, Ireland info@worldenergy.org ...In fa ct the energy business is thrust into th e forefront o f the debate on globalization, not le ast because is so demonized by some of t he campaigners in th e discussion surrounding t his topic, and of c ourse it is true t o say that energy plays an absolutely fundamental role i n e conomic development. Per capita energy use is highly correlated, as you all know, with t he levels of G DP and indeed wider m easures of l iving standards. The ke y challenge for th e industry will b e meeting the energy consumption needs of 6 billion, in deed 7 billion within another decade people inhabiting this world of us. A conservative forecast puts the demand for oil a t 90 million b arrels per d ay by 2010 up from 7 7 billion b arrels per da y today. And for na tural g as at 280 per TI - World Energy Market Challenges: World Political Economic, Technological and IT “Drivers”: Setting the Stage for the Energy Industry JF - Energy & Environment DO - 10.1260/095830502320939516 DA - 2002-09-01 UR - https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/sage/world-energy-market-challenges-world-political-economic-technological-ndCeDoM1o7 SP - 511 EP - 513 VL - 13 IS - 4-5 DP - DeepDyve ER -