TY - JOUR AU1 - Savery, Lawson K. AU2 - Wingham, Dianne L. AB - Research was conducted in Western AustralianGovernmentfunded Child Care Centres and resultssuggest that the global level of job satisfaction of thedirectors was high however no background variable wassignificantly related to job satisfaction. Intrinsicmotivators were perceived to influence both the levelof job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of individuals andwere more important for members of the plateauedgroup, while the groups were not different on extrinsicmotivators. The conclusion is that people should begiven the opportunity of working in other centres andin the central administration office, allowing directorsto face new challenges and have new interests thuslowering the level of job dissatisfaction. TI - Coping with the Career Plateau Motivators for Directors of Childcare Centres JF - Leadership & Organization Development Journal DO - 10.1108/01437739110140063 DA - 1991-02-01 UR - https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/emerald-publishing/coping-with-the-career-plateau-motivators-for-directors-of-childcare-qLLmJ0wSvQ SP - 17 EP - 19 VL - 12 IS - 2 DP - DeepDyve ER -