TY - JOUR AU1 - Travers, Cheryl J. AU2 - Cooper, Cary L. AB - Research into stress among teachers in the UK has indicated genderdifferences relating to the levels and types of stress experienced. Theresults of a study employing two types of measurement semistructuredinterviews and an indepth postal questionnaire of 1,790 teachers isreported. The study focused on the different career patterns of maleand female teachers the respective levels of education thedistribution in primary and secondary schools and acquisition ofincentive allowances and the underrepresentation of women atmanagerial levels. The results revealed that female teachers are notrealising the levels of seniority, salary and responsibility of theirmale colleagues, and that levels of stress and satisfaction differaccording to gender. Of major importance was the finding that both maleand female teachers are reporting higher levels of stress symptoms thanthose of comparable occupational groups. TI - STRESS AND STATUS IN TEACHING AN INVESTIGATION OF POTENTIAL GENDERRELATED RELATIONSHIPS JF - Women in Management Review DO - 10.1108/09649429110000555 DA - 1991-04-01 UR - https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/emerald-publishing/stress-and-status-in-teaching-an-investigation-of-potential-qiyN4HNbJb VL - 6 IS - 4 DP - DeepDyve ER -